Friday 7 July 2017

Cherrapunjee.....the rainiest spot on planet Earth

" Do not be angry with the rain; it simply does not know how to fall upwards." V. Nobokov

 With an average annual rainfall of 449.6 inches (yes, you have read it correct) it is the wettest spot on Earth. The drive from Shillong to Cherrapunjee ( also known as Sohra) is breath-takingly beautiful with the fog embracing you and droplets of water drawing out patterns. Dont forget an umbrella which goes without saying . Or better still a raincoat because your umbrella may be swiped away by the strong wind. Yet, during the dry season there is a shortage of water which brings up pertinent questions of water-harvesting. The area is inhabited by the Khasi tribe and they are  a matrilineal society.  If you are an adventurous foodie try Khasi food . Jadoh(mixture of rice and pork)Ja Stem(rice cooked with turmeric powder and sesame)Tungrymbai (fermented soya beans and spices)For this dish dont go by the smell but the taste!Dohneiiong (smoked pork with black sesame seeds) is delicious and comes very close to BBQ pork.
There are many places one could stay but I would weave my way to Jiva Resort for a holistic experience.

Jiva resort

Nature is at its best in this region. Unspoilt and prestine. It's enough to watch the rain come down or listen to the pitter-patter on the tin roofs. Most houses have slanting roofs for the water to drain off. Waterfalls ,big and small, are well fed by the monsoon rains and the springs that abound. Its a lovely place in the amazing state of Meghalaya, North-east India......remote and beautiful!!!


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