Thursday 8 June 2017

Chocolate Ring Cake with ice-cream and watermelon

"All the world's a birthday cake, so take a piece but not too much." George Harrison.

My grand-daughter, Molly, loves to play Housie –house in her fairly large toy kitchen. She cooks up muffins, sunny –side up eggs, steak and her favourite peanut butter sandwiches with lettuce.  To be a part of her world, I bought a cake mould in the shape of a ring and involved her in the entire process. What fun we both had! The child in me got the upper hand and we became messy together. She picked up culinary terms which would baffle many of her friends I’m sure. But the end product was a delight!!  

So here we go:


100 grams sugar                                                      to decorate: 

100 grams flour                                                       1 brick Ice-cream

100 grams butter                                                      1 cup watermelon balls

4 eggs                                                                       1/3 cup cooking chocolate

30 grams cocoa powder                                           ½ cup cream

1 level tsp. baking powder

Pinch of soda-bicarbonate

Pinch of salt

A few drops of Vanilla essence


1.Grease an 8”ring- cake tin. Sieve the flour, cocoa powder, salt, baking powder and soda bi-carbonate together twice.

2.Beat the sugar and butter. Add the egg yolks and beat into the butter mixture.  Keep it aside.

3.Beat the egg whites till fluffy.  Fold the egg whites into the sugar-butter mixture till smooth.

4.Fold in the flour with the rest of the ingredients raising the ladle high to let in air.

5.Stir in the vanilla essence.

6.Pour into the greased tin and bake for 30 minutes in a pre-heated oven of 180 degrees.

7.Remove and let it cool.


1.Melt the chocolate in a double boiler. Add cream. Stir till smooth and shiny. (Chocolate ganache) 

2.Pour over cake evenly.

3.Fill the centre of the ring with ice-cream and melon balls.Sprinkle coloured sugar balls all around       to give the final touch.

4. Serves 6 to 8 people.

Note: I love traveling but I enjoy making desserts too.

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