Sunday 22 August 2021




The one hour daily walk followed by 40mins of yoga has occupied a slot in my life like my favourite afternoon tea  which I can't do without.

 What I enjoy most while walking is catching on to the tail-end of co-walkers' conversations , how they rave about "being cheated on the fish by the monger", "daughter getting 2 marks less than her friend" and of course my antennas are upped with the cooing of love-birds.

 Every evening I brush these stories with subtle French spices (a la cannelle / le poivre) and dunk them in Duglere sauce to entertain Bee, my hubby, while he's nursing his drink. He loves my anecdotes!!!

 On the 5th October, after my customary walk, I had a shower and remained quiet. "Did a black cat cross your path? Why so glum? " hubby asked 

“Becoming old, feeling tired.", I said. With a poker face, Bee decided to open a Black Label to celebrate not my health but my "glumness and dullness." and the electrifying excitement of possessing me 100%. That night, he gave me an extra "baiser" with loving certainty....

6th Oct: Next day, it was a repeat performance. I not only complained of tiredness but also joint pains. Change of weather maybe....the nip in the air has struck my "fragile wife." He poured a drink for himself and gave me a stiff brandy....the answer to all maladies, he said...

 7th Oct: In the morning as we lay in bed, he said my body was warm and that we'll go for a Covid test, as a matter of fact statement.....

He swung into action like a commander on the battlefield and after shooting the necessary phone calls we got ourselves tested at 11am at the NHM Centre in Dispur, Guwahati. Within half an hour ,the doctor looking like a being from outer space (with his PPE et el) handed me my report card reminding me of my childhood days in school....FAILED...ARUNDHATI KAKATI (that’s my name): POSITIVE.

 I couldn't take head spun like those sharp edged speeding asteroids before hitting earth. I passed away for a few minutes and on opening my black eyes ( I always wanted light brown  eyes) found cold water running down my neck like a dried up water stream  Blood pressure checked, temperature etc....parameters were ok. We were given an oxymetre, 6 different medicines and got a ct scan done. At 4pm...Lungs were 95% clear, a little ground glassing. Whatever that means, it didn’t sound too bad.

 Bee decided on home isolation.

 Once the news was out on the family groups the Rafael bombardment from the children, their spouses, and their friends started on what is right and wrong, one knowing more than the other.

I was treated like a kid; son wanted to fly down and take control. I definitely don't want him around cause I'll become the most indulged prisoner going to seed. Granddaughter wrote a letter that made me misty eyed. Sister advising, directing do's and don’ts, brother offering cash.......And not to forget in-laws, friends and the administration...A salute to them!!!We were amazed and thankful...That's when I decided not to take calls for 2 weeks

Today cough persists, lethargic, slight body pain.....

Our house has been stamped and posted, reminding me of the Jewish badge of the Nazi era.

Today I had my last tippler for 2 weeks not with Bee but in the august virtual company of Trump and Boris who discussed the DNA in our bodies that could trample Eleven Ping's corona/crown of club-shaped spikes once and for all....That's life.

 8th Oct

 Today was a tad worse than the 2 previous days. . Cough had disappeared but fever ranged  99 to 102. My taste buds were jaded and I needed the extra pinch of salt which was not good for my blood pressure. To add sparkle to my food I munched on green chillies. Six medicines were making me drowsy and I could barely lift myself.

But fighting all odds I did my stretch exercises which put me on an even mental plane. Words of encouragement from friends and relatives kept me going.....My appetite was down .Couldn’t  concentrate....slept  most of the time but I decided to fight the Chinese demon by putting on music and dance walk...and scream "I can overcome”. The telephonic counselling sessions by the governm

 9th Oct

 The Chinese demon ,Mogwai, must have drilled a ton of iron ingots into my skull  during the night . I could barely lift my head in the morning and remained unsteady for a while.

 As the day progressed I started feeling better, did a bit of dance-walk, stretch exercises and screamed and SCREAMED "I can do it" that would have terrified a pack of howling hyenas and the demon itself.

10th Oct

 No cough, fever- 99 but drowsiness persisted. The 2 doctors in the family (sister and hubby's brother) said I'm doing well and made interesting comments. My sister said she’s always known me as a happy pup with 2 tails wagging. Brother-in-law commented that he's never seen an unsmiling me and wanted me to remain so. Simple words making a difference.

 At the home-front, I was being treated like a leper in the Ashram. Hubby, twice Covid negative miraculously, wears his badge with pride. The man who loved me for 41 years and kept me like a queen (literally) talks to me through the crack in the door and leaves the food outside my room on a table. My value today was equivalent to the 10paisa aluminium coin dropping from the solid 1 rupee gold coin.

I am sad, seething and baying for his blood, eagerly waiting my turn at the Totem Pole.

 11th Oct

 The Pits!!!! Didn't get a wink of sleep last night. Murky and dismal thoughts wove through the grey matter of my brain leaving me thirsty and exhausted till the break of dawn (5am) when I managed 4 hours of sleep.

  At 10am, I sat down to breakfast with leaden eyes and a clouded head, feeling like a domino pin that would fall at any moment.  In a daze, I banged myself and got s blue patch on the forehead...

12th Oct

All my symptoms (fever, cough etc) have done the vanishing act BUT.......and let me tell you Frenemy Covid19 has a bundle of IFs and BUTs hidden in his crown of club-shaped spikes ....BUT ....I had Diarrhoea.

 Remember your taste buds are jaded, benumbed. Food served is bland, insipid, bitter killing your appetite.  Don't try to spike your meal with a bowl full of tandoori chutney, salsa sauce or guacamole or even the irresistible Mutton Dum Pukht. Stick to simple home-cooked grandmother’s meals which you grew up with.

My beloved Bee, after using 8 ingredients, soiling an equal number of utensils and leaving the kitchen pretty messed up I'm sure, dished up a Brazilian Fish stew-- MOQUECA....which my rice-potato constitution couldn't stomach. I made as many trips to the BIG THRONE as I had bottles of ORS.

I am not the daughter of the Senior Dennis the Menace (u know who) to blame the Chinese for robbing my sleep or for my diarrhoea.  There's a lot of good we can learn from them Chinamen. Discipline for one....

13th Oct

I must state that the Counselling Wing of the National Health Mission (NHM) is doing a commendable job in Assam (India). They have rung me thrice enquiring after my health and making relevant suggestions. The NHM makes 7 calls in 15 days to every C patient PROVIDED you have tested in one of their centres NOT in a private facility.  Medicines and oxymetre on the house. You may not like the tone, tenor, diction of the caller. In that case, put down the phone politely.  I plan to join as a volunteer on recovery.

Over the years I have always looked at the positive side of the Govt., no matter which political party has straddled the horse and have emerged satisfied and happier.

 Sorry for the sermon at the end!!!! No I'm not a Modi fan. I'm a Indian first.

 14th Oct

 One sedative, as tiny as a grain of sand. It was enough to put me into deep, dreamless slumber from 10.30 pm to 9am. I woke up not as fresh as a daisy, but good enough to go about my work. I didn't feel guilty swallowing the pill especially when I knew that the beautiful, treacherous and sexy Catherine of Russia was on it for long.

And so were Nelson and Chopin...among others.


 I have no symptoms today but I'm extremely weak. I need to fill my body with adequate nutrition. 

  Covid19 is not a linear disease. You cannot predict the graph for tomorrow.  Your joviality may be high today after so many days of sunken  depression,  but tomorrow the Corona spokes may needle you again , reigniting the fires, as it happened to me last night.(fever 100) So you may feel happy for 4 days but the headache may come knocking again. It may occur even after 3 months, as it did with a friend.  

For most sicknesses, the patient is kept on the loop. You are consulted. You are on the driver's seat. But not in Covid19 because nobody really knows what new feature will emerge tomorrow. It mutates.....scary????

Drink warm water. Avoid red meats and coffee.

When Covid strikes, don’t try to be a half doctor (Google based) Follow doctors instructions, someone you have utmost trust. I know 5 doctors I have full faith in them.

Having said this, it’s every individual unto himself. You are unique. A cheerful disposition helps.

Bee is doing what he's best fish tenga with an extra twist of lemon. (He's still talking to me through the crack on the door......its okay....I understand...).... And then I fall asleep and dream of gorgeous things.

16th Oct

 When I said I'm almost perfect my best-friend stated that he wanted to see me absolutely well, happy and healthy and not "almost perfect".

 To get myself to that elusive stage my Covid19 group has suggested that I start walking in my compound.

So when all the good, healthy and angelic shut themselves inside their warm homes ,  we, the Covid- sick very cautiously sneak out for fresh air....the naughty infected night owls and nobody complains !!

Except Bee who still wears his "Negative Covid" badge more proudly than all the medals that he had been awarded during his service.

 So today's my 13th day.

When I do my lung exercises I do get an occasional cough if I hold my breath for too long .I have to go slow on that.

My next test will be on the 17th day.

 Logically, my next test is tomorrow but State counsellors  had advised not to go for a test tomorrow as a lot of people test positive even after 10-14days..

 So the will test be on the 17th day...allowing the tender stick with soft bristles to be inserted into my nasal openings to be twirled around for a few seconds leaving tears in my eyes along with an uncomfortable sensation and open with the inevitable question "WHY ME ?" .

I hope the world is well (well meaning VERY WELL) double dosed vaccinated, insured with mediclaim, or covered by the Govt or Corporate.....Death doesn't come cheap these days!!!!!!! I don't want to sound morbid. I'm being practical... Stay safe, stay healthy.





1 comment:

  1. Excellent piece of writing.One can take it as a Covid -guide to deal with the dreaded virus.The mental ups and downs one faces comes out vividly in her writing.
