Monday 25 August 2014

Why water colours?

Why water colors ? They don't appeal to art critics, they don't sell , they don't last . Water color artists are not as well known.....  but water color is simple against the harsh world , the simplicity which pervades your being and calms you .

My penchant for the medium started in school, where in our Art and craft classes we often ventured to paint a scenery with the medium . I never got enough attention from my teacher because it was not in me......she would meander her way to girls who had an innate talent to create beauties. Yet we did pick up a few techniques by observing the teachers and classmates. That we had to moist the paper before actually using the paint, that you could produce new colours by mixing the primary colours.....

Today was my second day at Art school and I am 54 years old.Shakti,my guru , asked me to buy a 0 and 000 numbered brushes and a few thicker ones. An eraser , a cloth, pallette, colors, HB pencil along with the paper. I picked camlin brushes and paints.

He taught me how to paint leaves in different shades of green,rust, brown, out-lining the veins ,darkening certain lines and softening others . Two hours on the same subject yet iI was engrossed , taking delight in the strokes, the shades , the transperency ..trying out my own combinations and lines.  

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